In the fires of creativity, a mighty friendship was forged between the indomitable Mike Dubisch and the daring publisher, ODDNESS.
A cosmic alignment of chance and inspiration bound them together, and now they embark on a wild odyssey armed with the spirit of serendipity. Their mission: to conjure up gnarly and exhilarating reads.
Picture us as fearless adventurers venturing into uncharted territories of thought, and unearthing precious treasures for our readers. Prepare to be enthralled by prose that delves into the darkest recesses of the human mind, unraveling mysteries and exploring the mystical corners of existence.
So, dear reader, we invite you to set sail with us to be part of this epic expedition. Let the magic of Mike Dubisch's muse and the ingenuity of ODDNESS be your guides as we embark on a timeless quest into the boundless horizons of the human imagination. Adventure awaits!
At this present time we are not accepting submissions, although we will periodlically announce when we do.
Does Forbidden Futures accept art submissions?
We only feature the artwork of Mike Dubisch in our issues of Forbidden Futures.
How often is Forbidden Futures published?
We started out as a quarterly magazine, and now we publish sportatically and unpredictably.
If you like what we do your donation will help this station continuing podcasting via this interdimentional channel.